Nobel NaMo

What you see and read when you surf and scroll this screen is totally apolitical. It is about a person that himself is an institution.
His story has germinated in soil of India. It is amazing that amidst the sea of humanity we still find islands of fortitude through such stories that exemplify the spirit of global sustainable development.

A small-town boy from a poor family who is charged with a sole determination to serve the people becomes the head of the state of India which is poised to be the most-populous country in the world. That precisely is the story of man called Narendra Damodardas Modi.

He is democratically elected Prime Minister of India. He is serving as Prime Minister for second time in succession.

He renamed his title from ‘Pradhan Mantri’ ( Prime Minister) to ‘Pradhan Sevak’ ( Prime Servant) when he for the very first time addressed to the nation on its Independence Day few months after taking oath as Prime Minister .

Since then I have been following his bold initiatives for the well-being of the people and planet . I do get a feeling that he has “To Do” list for achieving social and environmental goals that he keeps chasing like a determined and disciplined ‘servant’.

What I have been engaged since then is to follow and assess closely Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s social and environmental initiatives from the prism of Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) that were adopted in September 2015.

My own story, though not that exciting, also began in Indian village where there was no electricity, no sanitation/toilets, no tap water. But there was electrifying green surrounding, sanitized minds, and knowledge ‘on tap’ from nature. From there I went on to study in IIT, then career with Tatas and then in United Nations on Sustainable Development. It has been my own ‘To Do’ list in which I assess each action by the leaders, linked to MDGs ( Millennium Development Goals ) and now to SDGs.

Mahatma Gandhi once said ‘ “Recall the face of the poorest and weakest man you have seen, and ask yourself if this step you contemplate is going to be any use to him.”

I am sure today Mahatma Gandhi would have said , “ Recall the 17 SDGs and ask yourself if action you contemplate can contribute to achieving SDGs”

This is what I am doing for all the initiatives of PM Narendra Modi and likes of  President Emmanuel Macron of France And President Carlos Alvarado Quesada

A leader who through each action comes closer to SDGs , is the most eligible candidate for the highest award -Nobel Peace Prize. That’s what I envisage for PM Modi.

Dr Rajendra Shende

Chairman TERRE Policy Centre | Former Director UNEP | Chairman, International Advisory of Operation Earth, China | Chairman, Working Committee, International Solar Alliance | Senior Expert UNEP TEAP | Member Governing Body MIT WPU | Advisor Media India Group | Advisor CBCGDF, China | IIT Bombay Alumnus