Why This Site should engage you?

Namo in Indian ancient language, Sanskrit, means “ venerated” or ‘homage’. Namo is also short for Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.

Nobelnamo.com is all about the venerated human who is global trailblazer. His life connotes that impossible can happen. A tea-maker having no network of influential members can become chief law-maker of a world’s largest democracy by sheer hard work with horse-sense and still remain selfless and humble with no riches of his own.

He unfailingly believes that the final summit is always within reach. And if not, find the crack in the rock to hang on and pull your body up with all your strength. Going up is the only direction for him to reach the summit. That summit of his will also achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs.

You would searchingly dive into these pages to explore how his actions are linked to the SDGs.

modi 11
That human is no other than unstoppable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. In 2019 he was awarded Champion of the Earth by the United Nations. Then he received 7 highest awards from as many countries. By Russia to Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan he has become award winning politician. Recently Bill Gates and Melinda foundation awarded him ‘ Global Goal keeper’ that marks him much closer to the pursuit to achieve SDGs.

The site is not adoration of that man. Nor it is eulogy of his acts. Definitely not worship of that personality and ranking him in terms of followers in twitter. He is liable to err but still this human has self-correcting algorithm written by himself.

He is perennially in the struggle against heavy odds and swimming in the perils of democracy . He is surrounded by the aggressive opponents who prevent him and even obstruct, to dribble the ball towards the goal. He dodges them and gathers all strength to put the ball in the net. He confidently displays bold and courageous moves.

Make no mistake. This site is conceived by me, as an attempt in critical-thinking and inquiry-based analysis of the leadership roles played by likes of Narendra Modi and Emmanuel Macro both are named by TIME magazine as the leaders from democratic world which shaped the world in 2019 . NaMo was also one of the 10 most effective leaders as per ORB International’s International World Index’ in 2015.

Rajendra Shende Nobel Namo
Having led the singularly successful capacity building program in the United Nations (see: www.rajendrashende.com) and (www.rajendrashende.blog) where made my own modest contribution to save the world from catastrophe of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion , my seminal conviction is simple: yes, failures have lessons that make us wiser but more than that success has lessons too, and they make us do better next time. A personified image of this conviction is Narendra Modi.

As Coordinating Lead Author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC that won Nobel Peace Prize, I am winner of Nobel Peace Prize citation prepared by IPCC. From 2015 I am promoting the message of IPCC which is linked to the peace prize by contributing to SDGs. 

I strongly believe that SDGs must mainstream in all our policies, decisions and actions. Irrespective of our place of working. And we have just about a decade left for the same. Namo has unique ability to just do that

I would not analyse the ranking of NaMO in achieving political popularity but in achieving SDGs.

The word Nobel in ‘Nobelnamo.com’ is NOT misspelled, as many of you may think. It indeed IS Nobel. Criteria for Nobel Peace Prize includes the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. SDG 16 is about peace making. I am sure Nobel Committee would include a criteria of the ‘best work in promotion of SDGs including peace’.

Feedback is welcome on this venture that sees the head of the state from SDGs prism.

Dr Rajendra Shende

Chairman TERRE Policy Centre | Former Director UNEP | Chairman, International Advisory of Operation Earth, China | Chairman, Working Committee, International Solar Alliance | Senior Expert UNEP TEAP | Member Governing Body MIT WPU | Advisor Media India Group | Advisor CBCGDF, China | IIT Bombay Alumnus

Nobel for SDGs