PM Modi and President Macron chart Horizon 2047 to commemorate 25 years of cooperation and friendship

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  • PM Modi and President Macron chart Horizon 2047 to commemorate 25 years of cooperation and friendship

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron held delegation level talks at Elysee Place in Paris, France to commemorate 25 years of friendship and cooperation between India and France.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Indo-French partnership, both countries agree to adopt a roadmap to set the course for the bilateral relationship up to 2047, which will celebrate the centenary of India’s independence, the centenary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries and 50 years of the strategic partnership.

Three primary domains agreed by the two nations on the occasion were:

I – Partnership for security and sovereignty

  1. Building sovereign defence capabilities together
  2. Providing concrete solutions to make Indo-Pacific an area of stability and sustainable development
  3. Putting space at the heart of our strategic relationship
  4. Adapting the fight against terrorism to the new threats to better protect our citizens
  5. Promoting a renewed and effective multilateralism
  6. Joining forces to make science, technological innovation and academic cooperation vectors of progress and independence for our countries

II – Partnership for the planet

  1. Strengthening energy security to meet our climate objectives
  2. Jointly addressing the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
  3. Supporting urban and ecological transitions in India as well as social inclusion
  4. Strengthening trade and facilitating investments between our two countries, with a view to sustainable growth and transition to low carbon energy

III – Partnership for the people

  1. Promoting exchanges, especially for the benefit of youth
  2. Promoting regular dialogue between our cultures

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