Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana I PM Modi inaugurates 1.75 lakh houses under PMAY-G scheme

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  • Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana I PM Modi inaugurates 1.75 lakh houses under PMAY-G scheme

Poor family’s minimum  needs are ‘Bread, Shelter and Clothes’ . From there emerges  the energy, productivity and innovations from poor. One of the promises by Prime  Minister Narendra Modi to Indians was “to provide housing for all by 2022’. 

Even in COVID19 pandemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not only monitoring the status of health of 1.35 billion Indians , but also keeping a tab on his promises that fulfil the basic needs of people.Already 11.4 million houses are built. Narendra Modi on 11 th September offered ‘ home coming ‘ to additional poor people living in temporary and make shift  places to their 175,000 new homes. He kept his promise as head of the government by implementing the plans for development and thus demonstrating Peace, Justice , strong institutions and Good Governance which is SDG-16 .   

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